Mark Favot
Office Phone
313-966-1020Office Location
6071 West Outer DriveLourdes Bldg.
Rm 462
Detroit, MI 48235
Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Washington, DC
Graduated with Distinction
August 2004-May 2008
Graduate:Post-Graduate Basic Science Coursework
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
September 2002-December 2003
Baccalaureate: Bachelor of Human Kinetics- Honors Movement Science
University of Windsor
Windsor, ON Canada Graduated with Distinction
September 1998-June 2002
Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications
Emergency Medicine
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Detroit, MI
June 2008-June 2011
Emergency Ultrasound
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Detroit, MI
July 2011-June 2012
Prior Appointments
Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship
Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
October 2013-present
Assistant Professor
Wayne State University Department of Emergency Medicine
Detroit, MI
July 2012-present
Director of Emergency Ultrasound
Sinai-Grace Hospital/Detroit Medical Center
Detroit, MI
July 2012-present
Associate Staff Physician
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Detroit, MI
August 2011-June 2012
Courses taught
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Clinical Instructor-Medical Student Education
- Year 1 Ultrasound Courses, 2010-2012
- Year 2 Physical Diagnosis-Ultrasound Courses, 2010-2012
- Year 2 Physical Diagnosis-small group bedside teacher, 2010-2011 Year 3 Medical Student Longitudinal Day- Ultrasound Courses 2010- present
- Instructor for WINFOCUS Ultrasound Telemedicine mission to Nicaragua via Wayne State University School of Medicine, December 2011
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Director of Emergency Ultrasound Sinai-Grace Hospital Lectures
- Overview of Emergency Ultrasound: 4th year medical student
- clerkship, monthly lecture, 2012-present
- Ultrasound Workshops: Sinai-Grace Hospital Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds 2012-present, bi-monthly.
- Emergency Ultrasound Clinical Update: September 2012 Cognitive Errors in Medicine: Sinai-Grace Hospital Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds July 2013
- CPC in the D: Invited Discussant at Interdepartmental Grand Rounds, May 2014
- Ultrasound Evaluation of 1st Trimester Pregnancy in the ED, July
- 2014
- Billing for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Emergency Department, December 2014
- In-training Exam Review Sinai-Grace Hospital Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. Hematology-Oncology. February 2015- present
- Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Renal Colic April 2015 Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Access Techniques in the Difficult Patient. April 2015
- Evaluation of Testicular Torsion Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the pediatric population. April 2015
- Small Joint Evaluation using Point-of-Care Ultrasound. May 2015. Ultrasound Determination of Endotracheal Tube Location: July 2015
- Seven Deadly Causes of Chest Pain: July 2015-present
- In-training Exam Review Sinai-Grace Hospital Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. Ultrasound Potpourri. February 2016- present.
- Ultrasound Image Review Socratic Style: Sinai-Grace Hospital Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. July 2016-present.
Curriculum Development:
- Integration of point-of-care ultrasound into clinical medicine for 3rd year medical students on required clerkships. Semi-annual workshop exploring point-of-care ultrasound applications for 3rd year Wayne State medical students doing clinical clerkships at the Detroit Medical Center
- Medical Intensive Care Unit: weekly Ultrasound Rounds, February 2013-present
- Senior resident ultrasound elective: July 2012-present
- Intern Crash Course in Emergency Ultrasound: July 2012-present Medical student combined ED critical care/emergency ultrasound elective: 2012-present
- Emergency Medicine Interest Group of Wayne State University Procedure Night: Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Access, February 2013-present.
- Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia training for senior residents utilizing cadavers, April 2013-present.
- Novel hands-on practical assessment of senior resident ultrasound skills: June 2013-present
- Emergency US Elective Rotation for Wayne State 4th year medical
- students. Developed a curriculum where the students are integrated with the emergency medicine interns during scanning shifts and meeting weekly for review sessions. 2013-present
- Emergency US Training for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows: developed elective rotation, April 2014-present.
- Intern ultrasound required rotation: July 2014-present.
- Medical Student Emergency Ultrasound elective rotation: designed integrative curriculum for 4th year medical students.
- SonoCup Detroit. Innovative annual educational competition involving residency programs in Detroit. June 2015-present
Medical Center Emergency Services: Curriculum Development:
- Monthly application specific ultrasound courses for attending physicians. 2012-present.
- Ultrasound Image of the week for Medical Center Emergency Services physician group: October 2014-present.
- Small group hands-on teaching: flipping the ultrasound classroom. 2015 - present
Henry Ford Hospital - Department of Emergency Medicine
- Focused Abdominal Aortic Ultrasound, August 2011
- Dealing with Death and Dying in the Emergency Department, May 2011
- Morbidity and Mortality Conference, April 2011
- Should I give my Patient with Submassive PE IV t-PA, March 2011
- Morbidity and Mortality Conference October 2010 Pyelonephritis and Nephrolithiasis, June 2010 Puerperal Sepsis, September 2009
- Case Presentation: Primary HIV Infection, April 2009
- The International Point-of-Care Ultrasound Courses, lecturer and hands-on instructor, 2011-present
- Trauma Ultrasound: Beyond the FAST exam, hands-on instructor, November 2011
- US-Guided Peripheral IV Courses for Nursing, instructor, 2011- present
- Intern Emergency Ultrasound Course, lecturer and instructor, June 2011
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Critical Care Medicine
- The Utility of the FAST exam in the Intensive Care Unit, September 2011
Teacher of the Year: Residents selection
Sinai-Grace Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine
2012-2013 & 2013-2014
Teacher of the Year: Medical Students selection
Sinai-Grace Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Chief Resident 2010-2011
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine Academic Achievement Award
Professional Experience
International Journal of Cardiovascular Research
Reviewed 1 manuscript
Sinai-Grace Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine: Continuous Quality Improvement Committee (CQI)
Meet bi-monthly to review cases from our Emergency Department Present cases to the committee involving point-of-care ultrasound for discussion/review
Michigan College of Emergency Physicians. Emergency Ultrasound Course
Instructor for annual course at the College office in Lansing, MI
American College of Emergency Physicians Emergency Ultrasound Section
Editor for the cardiac ultrasound journal watch section of the bi-monthly section newsletter
American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly
Abstract Reviewer: Emergency Ultrasound category
Reviewed and scored abstracts submitted for presentation at the conference
2015 - Present
Academic Emergency Medicine
Reviewed 3 manuscripts
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Midwest Regional Meeting 2014
Abstract Reviewer
Reviewed and scored abstracts to determine which abstracts would be selected for oral presentations
Sinai-Grace Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine: Chiefs Advisory Council
Meet monthly with the chief of the department to discuss pertinent issues pertaining to the clinical operations of the department.
The Clinical Teacher
Reviewed 6 manuscripts
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Reviewed 15 manuscripts
Detroit Medical Center
Member Antimicrobial Subcommittee of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Provide representation from Department of Emergency Medicine on the subcommittee that acts as stewards for antimicrobials within the medical center.
2013 - Present
St. Aloysius Parish
Chairperson Health Advocacy Committee
Promote healthy activities and behaviors, advocate for the parishioners as well as the local community members to obtain basic health care services.
2012 - Present
ICU Director
Reviewed 2 manuscripts.
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)
Member Social Media Task Force for Undergraduate Education Committee
Developing plans to use various forms of social media, specifically Twitter to improve outreach for AIUM to medical students and also to promote educational content and resources to medical student users.
2012 - Present
Henry Ford Hospital
Emergency Medicine Residency Education Committee
Interview and evaluate medical school applicants to residency program. Monitor the progress of the residency and develop new educational processes
2008 - 2012
Henry Ford Hospital
Emergency Medicine Undergraduate Education Committee
Assist Clerkship Director in compiling educational resources, and furthering the education of students on Emergency Medicine Clerkship in our Department
2010 - 2012
George Washington University School of Medicine
Student Council
Class represent for the Practice of Medicine course. Acted as liaison between students and course directors, helped improve curriculum, voice student concerns and build relationships with the hospital faculty.
2004 - 2008
Reports of Original Work
1. Favot M, Gowland L, Ehrman R, Gallien J, Khait L, Afonso L & Levy P. Point- of-care strain echocardiography in acute heart failure. Am J Emerg Med. 2016. Nov;34(11):2234-2236.
2. Favot, M, Courage C, Ehrman R, Khait L & Levy P. Strain Echocardiography in Acute Cardiovascular Disease. West J Emerg Med. 2016;17(1):54-60.
3. Favot M, Courage C, Manteuffel J & Amponsah D. Ultrasound Training in the Emergency Medicine Clerkship. West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(6):938-942.
4. Favot M. Ultrasound for Verification of Endotracheal Tube Location. Academic Life in Emergency Medicine. March 2nd, 2015. for-verification-of-endotracheal-tube-location/.
5. Abou Dagher G, Favot M, Njeim M, Bou Chebel R & Younes M. Aortic Dissection: Emergency Department Care Expedited by the use of Ultrasonography. ICU Director Jan 2012, 3(1);31-37.
Co-author of manuscript, specifically the section on how to utilize point-of- care ultrasonography in the management of patients with suspected acute aortic pathology.
Case Reports
1. Burla MJ, Brody AM, Welch RD & Favot MJ. Anaphylactic Reaction After Ongoing Exposure to Hair Glue: A Novel Case Report. J Emerg Med. 2015 Jan;48(1):e5-7.
Published Abstracts
1. Stayer DR, Hu Y, Courage C, Favot M, Pagadala S & Levy P. Accelerometer- based Acoustic Cardiography to Detect Ventricular Unloading in Acute Heart Failure. Ann Emerg Med. 2016;68(4)S20..
2. Favot M, Ayaz SI, Falcon T, Ottolini J, Sabol J, Reed B, Medado P & Levy PD. Impact of Non-Invasive CVP Measurement Device on Emergency Physician Management of Patients with Acute Heart Failure. Ann Emerg Med. 2016;68(4)S31.
3. Favot M, Manteuffel J, & Amponsah D. Integration of Ultrasound into MSIV Emergency Medicine Clerkship. SAEM National Conference May 2012, Chicago IL Abstract #452, p69.
4. Favot M, Manteuffel J, & Amponsah D. Medical Student Assessment of Point of Care Ultrasound as Part of Emergency Medicine Clerkship. ACEP Scientific Assembly 2012 Research Forum. Denver, CO. Abstract #234.
Book Authorships, Editorships, and Chapter
1. Favot M. Chapter 13: Ultrasound in the Emergency Department. Chapter 17: Wound Care. Pre-Test Emergency Medicine, 4th ed. McGraw Hill Education, 2016 (Rosh A & Barclay-Buchanan C).
2. Favot M & Coba V. Evaluation of the Aorta. Pp 132-141. The ICU Ultrasound Pocket Book, 2nd ed. Henry Ford Ultrasound University, 2012 (Killu K et al).
Other (please specify)
1. Kalam St & Favot M. Ultrasound Bases Risk Stratification of Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism. EM Resident, August-September 2015.
2. Hill-Ciesielski M & Favot M. Ultrasound Guided Small Joint Aspiration. EM Resident, August-September 2014;32-33.
Other Information
American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)
Member Academy of Emergency Ultrasound (AEUS)
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
Fellow status achieved 2015
Member Section of Emergency Ultrasound
Member System-wide clinical ultrasound director subcommittee
American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)
Michigan College of Emergency Physicians (MCEP)