Marc-Anthony Velilla
Office Phone
313-966-1020Office Location
6071 W. Outer DriveLourdes Bldg, 4th Floor
Detroit, MI 48235
Undergraduate Education
University of Michigan, B.S.
Graduate Education
Wayne State University, M.S.
Medical Education
Wayne State University, M.D.
Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications
M.D., F.A.C.E.P.Residency
Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Detroit Receiving Hospital
1998 - 2001
Prior Appointments
Assistant Professor (Clin-ED), WSU
Sinai-Grace Hospital
10/1/2008 - present
Clinical Assistant Professor, WSU
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor, WSU
Detroit Receiving and Sinai Grace Hospital
Wayne State University, Department of Emergency Medicine
Program Director, EM Residency
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Associate Program Director, EM Residency
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Assistant Program Director, EM Residency
Sinai-Grace Hospital
Wayne State University, Department of Emergency Medicine
Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI
Wayne State University, Department of Emergency Medicine
Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, MI
Courses taught
Wayne State University
Residents (Emergency Medicine Residency)
Residency Program Director
Associate Residency Program Director
7/2008 –9/2014
Assistant Residency Program Director
Wayne State University/Sinai-Grace Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine
Mark W. Brautigan, MD, Leadership Award
Wayne State University Medical Alumni Association
Recent Alumni Award
Wayne State University/Sinai-Grace Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Medical Student Teacher of the Year
2005, 2009
Wayne State University/Sinai-Grace Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Academic Teacher of the Year
Wayne State University/Detroit Receiving Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
Distinguished Voluntary Teacher of the Year
2002, 2003, 2004
Professional Experience
Department of Emergency Medicine
CQI Committee – Sinai-Grace Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine
CQI Committee – Detroit Receiving Hospital
American College of Emergency Physicians
Fellowship Status (FACEP)
Member - Michigan College of Emergency Physicians
Director - Mock Oral Board Review (MCEP)
Member - Council of Residency Directors (CORD)
Other Scholarly Service
14th Annual Sinai-Grace Hospital / DMC Research Day: Judge
DMC GME Annual QuESST Research Day: Judge
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Annual
4/2016, 4/2014, 4/2013, 4/2012
Other Service
Sinai-Grace Hospital / Detroit Medical Center
Medical Staff Operations Committee (MSOC)
Elected Member
7/2016 - present
1. Linnstaedt SD, Hu JunMei, Liu AY, Soward AC, Bollen KA, Wang HE, Hendry PL, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Velilla MA, Damiron K, Pearson C, Domeier R, Kaushik S, Feldman J, Rosenberg M, Jones J, Swor R, Rathlev N, McLean SA. Methodology of the AA CRASH Prospective Observational Study Evaluating the Incidence and Pathogenesis of Chronic Pain and Adverse Psychological Outcomes in African Americans following Motor Vehicle Collision. BMJ Open. 2016 Sep 6;6(9):e012222. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012222.
2. Linnstaedt SD, Riker KD, Walker MG, Nyland JE, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Hendry PL, Damiron K, Pearson C, Velilla MA, Jones J, Swor RA, Domeier R, McLean SA. microRNA-320a predicts chronic axial and widespread pain development following motor vehicle collision in a stress-dependent manner. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 Oct;46(10):911-919.PMID: 27690835
3. Linnstaedt SD, Walker MG, Parker JS, Yeh E, Sons RL, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Hendry PL, Damiron K, Pearson C, Velilla MA, O’Neil BJ, Jones JS, Swor RA, Domeier R, Hammond S, McLean SA. microRNA circulating in the early aftermath of motor vehicle collision predict persistent pain development and suggest a role for microRNA in sex-specific pain differences. Mol Pain. 2015 Oct 24;11:66. doi: 10.1186/s12990-015-0069-3. PMID: 26498117
4. Silbergleit R, Durkalski V, Lowenstein D, Conwit R, Pancioli A, Palesch Y, Barsan W; For the NETT Investigators. Intramuscular Versus Intravenous Therapy for Prehospital Status Epilepticus. N Engl J Med. 2012;366(7):591-600. Study Role: Other Site Investigator: Marc-Anthony Velilla, MD Hub Principal Investigator: Robert D. Welch, MD, MS; NETT Hubs (ordered by number of subjects enrolled); Wayne State University (178).
See on-line appendix:
5. Fernandez R, Compton S, Jones KA, Velilla MA. The presence of a family witness impacts physician performance during simulated medical codes. Crit Care Med. 2009 Jun;37(6):1956-60.
1. Can Quantitative Brain Electrical Activity Aid in the Triage of Mild Traumatic Brain Injured Patients? Dale Parsons, Duane Robinson, Research Coordinator, Syed Ayaz, Research Assistant, Craig Thomas, Research Assistant, Marc-Anthony Velilla, MD, Assistant Professor, Assistant Residency Director, Brian O’Neil, MD, Interim Chair, Associate Chair of Research
Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine
1. Linnstaedt SD, Wu A, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Hendry PL, Damiron K, Pearson C, Velilla MA, Jones J, Swor R, Domeier R, McLean SA. Sex-dependent expression of microRNA -19b predicts chronic widespread pain and posttraumatic stress disorder development following trauma exposure. Accepted for presentation at the 2016 Meeting of the American Pain Society.
2. Liu AY, Hu J, Platts-Mills TF, Lateef B, Qadri YJ, Wang HE, Velilla MA, Pearson C, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Hendry PL, Damiron K, Domeier RM, Kaushik S, Feldman JA, Jones JS, Villard MA, McLean SA. Education status is not associated with opioid medication receipt among African American emergency department patients with acute pain.
Accepted for presentation at the 2015 Meeting of the American Pain Society, May 13- 15, Palm Springs, CA
3. AV Bortsov, MA Velilla, K Damiron, C Pearson, JS Jones, PL Hendry, MC Kurz, SA McLean. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with worse overall pain outcomes over time among African Americans experiencing motor vehicle collision.
Accepted for presentation at the 2015 Meeting of the American Pain Society, May 13- 15, Palm Springs, CA
4. Linnstaedt SD, Yeh E, Walker MG, Sons RL, Zimny E, Lewandowski C, Hendry PL, Damiron K, Pearson C, Velilla MA, Jones J, Swor R, Domeier R, McLean SA. MicroRNA in whole blood as predictors of severe axial pain development following motor vehicle collision trauma.
Accepted for oral presentation at the 2015 American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, October 24-28, San Diego, CA
Other Information
American College of Emergency Physicians
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine
American Medical Association